1. Queso de flor (Flower cheese)
Combination of cows and goats milk and the juice from the blue thistle gives the cheese its unique flavour.
If you get a chance to travel near to Santa María de Guía, don't forget to stop by and taste it! It can be found in semi-cured and cured version.
2. Café leche leche
What is better than to start a day with a cup of coffee? Go for cafe leche leche.
Sweet but great. Coffee with milk and sweet condensed milk at the bottom. The great thing about coffee in Gran Canaria it's grown locally.
There is another thing about coffee - names of coffee drinks:
- café solo = espresso
- café cortado = espresso + dash of hot milk
- café cortado largo = same as café cortado but with more hot milk
- café con leche = coffe with milk, the only different between this one and
- café cortado largo is a glass that is used for serving
- café leche leche
- café con hielo or café con leche con hielo = ice version of coffee
You can definitely find places where they offer cappuccino or latté macchiato, but don't expect the Italian style coffee in most cases ;)
3. Churros
Hard night? Or just want to have something really Spanish for breakfast? Go to the nearest churreria and try churros, a fried-dough pastry, could be find in various types, thin, knotted, long, thick or filled.
Dip them into the cup of chocolate, café con leche or just sprinkle with sugar. Hmmm...Yummy!
4. Bananas and other fruit
Just look around, they grow everywhere! In the north, are the best conditions for banana plantations. So tasty and local! You can easily find other fruit like mango, avocado, papaya or fig that grow there too.
5. Mojo sauce
Red or green? Who cares, both are great! However be careful as they contain a large amount of garlic, so it can ruin your date! Sauce contains also cumin, chilli and the red version paprika and the green one coriander.
One of the traditional meals is "Papas arrugadas con mojo" (small potatoes with Mojo). Stop with the potatoes for a while, you can find different kind of potatoes in the island as well as sweet potatoes called Yam.
6. Turrones Artesanos
Nougat in the paper ring is a traditional candy of most festivals in Gran Canaria.
The most popular is the one which is sold in cellophane paper as turron de gofio or turron especial almendras.
7. Tropical
Who doesn't taste Tropical, can't say that visit Gran Canaria! This beer is light and fresh and can be easily find everywhere.
Green bottle with a dog on it. Why dog? Gran means big and cana is a dog. Let's end the informative corner and have some beer :-)
8. Arehucas rum
Don't you like rum? Give a chance to 12 years old one or Caramel one! If you still don't like it? Try liqueurs! Toffee, cafe, banana, menta, almond or honey.
Try them all during the free tour around the factory. Hmmm.. one tip for a Tabaco lovers: have a glass of Arehucas rum and cigar made in Gran Canaria.
9. Chorrizo and sweet blood sausage
Sausage isn't just a sausage in CG. If you are lover of salami and sausages try these in Terror or wherever, they are delicious and tasty.
This is a guest post from Hana, who spent last 3 weeks at The Surf Office Gran Canaria.