Are urban coworkings so passé and rural coworkings the way to go? The coworking community has found interest in small cities and rural towns in the last few years. Even the small rural communities have a diverse economic life and sharing the coworking space with graphic designers, musicians, web developers or small business owners of all ages become a normal part of rural life. Are the needs of rural entrepreneurs different to needs of urban entrepreneurs? No, work space, fast internet, printer, coffee and good ambiance of a place is what every entrepreneur needs.
Mutinerie village (France)

There are a few interesting rural coworking and coliving spaces in Europe. One of my favorite is Mutinerie Village near Paris. They provide coworking space, accommodation in beautiful french style rural house, food of their own production and social activities. In December WordPress course for public take place in their house.
Casa Netural (Italy)

The other interesting concept is Casa Netural in Italy, near Matera. It provides a coliving and coworking space. Casa Netural offers programme for one week, in which guests meet the local community, explore the territory and have a possibility to debate, share their thoughts and network with the members of community. The coworking space is open for the community 3 days per week.
Sende (Spain)

Sende is a rural coworking and coliving in Galicia, Spain. The idea of Sende is to create a space where people do not only share food, accommodation and office space but also build relationships and work on ideas together. In June they came up with idea of Project Writing Meetup and intercambio and had success. In February the team of Sende and 4 entrepreneurs are moving to southern part of Spain to work on their new startup. Good luck, guys!
It’s not standard that each rural coworking provides accommodation. So, if you decide to travel or just spend holidays while working check out the local coworkings first! The good source is a Deskmag web reporting on coworking spaces and coworking community itself, or Copass that based their database of coworkings on their need: coworking on-the-go. So, it’s up to everyone’s taste, urban or rural coworking.