Have you ever thought about the best place to stay, live or work? Are you tired of everyday rain or cold? Gran Canaria is perfect place to work remotely from. Why?
1. The weather is spring-like all year round. The temperature is stable with an annual average of 22 °C.
2. It is the part of Europe with most hours of daylight, 3 000 hours of a sunlight per year. Yeap, even the Canary Islands are located off the northwest coast of Africa, islands are still part of Spain and the European Union. The official currency is Euro and language is Spanish. You don't need a visa to visit us.
3. Gran Canaria offers high-quality medical care and is not renowned for any diseases and the worst you can get is a hangover from drinking too much beer.
4. It is easy to get a high speed internet connection (up to 100/10 Mb fiber). You can plug your Mac when surfing the web in Gran Canaria without any problems, because plugs have two round pins as found in Europe.
5. The cost of living in Gran Canaria is significantly lower than in most Western European countries. If you decide to stay longer than few weeks, the price of accommodation with longterm contract is reasonable. It is not that cheap as Thailand but definitely it is more affordable place to stay for most remote workers.
6. Are you a travel soul? Great! Gran Canaria offers everything you could wish for. You can find sand dunes, mountains, perfect surfing spots, great diversity of flora and fauna and small villages as well as you can pick a banana, smell local coffee beans or taste local rum. If you get bored by the island you can jump easily to ferry or plane and explore the other.
7. Almost sure you want to flight here? The flying time from major cities in Europe is usually 5 hours and there are many airlines flying directly with reasonable prices, e.g. Ryanair, Easyjet or Norwegian. Check out Skypicker - amazing tool when you're searching for low-cost flights.
8. The inhabitants are open-minded, willing to help and happy to show their island. Grand Canaria has been attracting expats for many years and now has a truly multi-cultural community. Marco from Verona, Rodrigo from Madrid and Peter from Bratislava.
Look at these guys in the picture! They came to the Surf Office for few weeks and decided to stay for undefined while. I don't want to say forever, but who knows :)