Ever heard of the drinking game 'Categories'? Ever thought it could be adapted to a game that helps with active listening? Well, take a seat, my sober friend, and let's get into this! This version of the game will help promote better communication and listening skills among colleagues.
How to play
- Find a conference room or suitable meeting space to bring your team together.
- Designate one person to kick off the game as the "Category Caller." This role will rotate as the game progresses.
- Compile a list of work-related categories. These could range from types of project management software to company department names—whatever suits your workplace.
- The Category Caller selects a category from the list and announces it to the group. Make sure the chosen category relates to your office environment.
- Using a timer or smartphone, set a specific time limit (e.g., 15 seconds).
- The Category Caller begins by naming an item from the chosen category. For instance, if the category is "Types of project management software," they might say "Trello."
- The person to the right of the Category Caller takes the next turn. They must listen carefully to the previous response and provide another item from the category within the time limit.
- The game proceeds clockwise. Each participant must actively listen to the previous response and contribute a new item to the category before the timer runs out. If someone repeats an item or fails to provide an appropriate one, they are temporarily out of the round.

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