Ready for another light-hearted improv activity that involves miming? We thought so! That’s why we’ve included Red ball. Fast-paced and energizing, it’s a great way to lift a team’s spirits, create a tighter unit, and boost employee relations.
Here’s how it works:
Gather everyone into a circle, including yourself. Show the group an imaginary red ball that you’re holding, before making eye contact with someone else and saying “red ball” – passing it to them at the same time. Whoever receives it then repeats the item’s name and gives it to another participant.
Let this happen a few times and then introduce a second item, a third…and then a fourth! By the end of it, you could be passing around a Frisbee, a sleeping child, an angry cat, the original red ball, and as many other items as you wanted.
The idea is that people pass each item along as if they were real.
Encourage creativity and reward imagination! Wouldn’t you soothe a sleeping child if you were holding one, for instance? And shouldn’t you be careful as you pass that angry cat to your colleague? What other types of interactions can people invent?
Hopefully, you’ll end up with complete chaos as the group starts slinging, whirling, and passing these imaginary items around the circle! Expect lots of giggles, shouts, and cries of alarm as teammates hand over an angry cat while trying to catch a Frisbee, and calm the sleeping baby in their arms.
By the end, everyone should feel revitalized and closer to their colleagues.

25 Fun improv games for team collaboration
There are many effective ways to boost collaboration in the workplace. However, one of the best is also one of the most unexpected: Playing fun improv games.