1. Swimming pool in Tejeda
Tejeda is an ideal village for any tourist. There is a beautiful church and nice small streets with old houses. Your Instagram will love it!
What I like the most about this place is the small swimming pool frequented by the locals (and foreign hipsters). It's definitely the swimming pool with the best view I've ever seen. Open till 8pm every day during summer with an entrance fee of 3 euros.
2. Get a surf lesson
La Cícer beach at the capital Las Palmas is the best place in the island to learn surfing. There are always good conditions for beginners and many surf schools where you get surf lessons or can rent a board.
Catching your first wave is one of the best feelings ever. But what is more important, a photo on Facebook with the sunrise and a surf board in your hand, which will get you more likes then you can even imagine.
And of course, the most likes you get with the GoPro shots!
3. Taste local rum in Arehucas factory
OK, you already have tons of likes on Facebook and you're super tired after your first lesson, what to do next? Time to visit a local rum factory in Arucas town.
The factory is opened only during the week days till 2pm. At first you will get a short tour in "Spanglish" across the factory and then it will be time for tasting. They have about 15 flavors of rum and you have to try all of them. You may get drunk before the lunch.
And I forgot one important thing - it's free!
4. Natural swimming pools in El Puertillo
"Whaaaat??? Another swimming pool?" Yes, but these are also very special, because they're filled with ocean water and that means they're ECOLOGICAL (don't forget to put #ecological hashtag to your Instagram photo).
5. Trek in the dunes of Maspalomas
Maspalomas and Playa de Inglés are very touristic destinations in the south of the island with many hotels, elder tourists, McDonald's and Hooters. They have also the natural park with big dunes where you can feel like you're in the Sahara.
Secret hipster tip (I used gray color to hide this tip only for real hipsters): There is a good surf spot for beginners on the other side of dunes. So take your rented surfboard, pass by the dunes and don't forget to take some cool photos. Perhaps you get more likes than in the point 2.
6. Trek to Roque Nublo
Roque Nublo is one of the most fotogenic places in the island. Have you been to Mars? Me neither, but this place has a similar athmosphere.
7. Rent a car and drive through roads at the west of the island
Take a break. Rent the cheapest Fiat Panda, bring your driving gloves and prepare for the Drive.
Roads are very narrow, sometimes it's useful to use the horn as you go around the curves. Drive from Galdar to Aldea, the views are amazing.
8. Party at the old town of Vegueta
You are probably tired of all the likes, but this is not the end. You still could get more. Visit the old town of Las Palmas called Vegueta during Thursday, Friday or Saturday night (meaning after 11pm). The streets are full of locals and few tourists.
Don't event touch Heineken and taste local beer Tropical. And ask for "tapas".
Enjoy Gran Canaria!