Try as we might, a person entering a new job can quickly feel scared and overwhelmed with their role, if they aren’t integrated properly.
Making your new hires feel like they’re connected to the company’s vision and mission is often easier said than done. New starters at work might feel too nervous to really express how they feel. But research tells us that only 12% of employees say their company does a good job of onboarding.
One of the best ways to align newcomers with the company is through onboarding programs. These programs get taken up a level when you introduce an “onboarding buddy”.
We’re laying out an 8-step plan to create an onboarding program with a “buddy” who works like a guide, a teacher, and a friend for a new starter.
So let’s delve into what makes a solid onboarding buddy program!
What is an onboarding buddy?
An onboarding buddy is a person designated to help a new member of staff to acclimatize to the organization. They help the new starter with professional guidance, as they can potentially help with mental and emotional support if needed.
When a company takes on a new recruit, having a good onboarding system can make or break the newcomer’s initial experience. In the earlier stages of a company’s lifecycle, they might see “onboarding buddies” as a nice perk, or something to develop further down the line.
However, the evidence overwhelmingly suggests that having onboarding buddies quickly becomes a necessary investment. Consider the fact that a whopping 30% of new recruits leave the company in the first 90 days. That’s exactly what having an onboarding buddy system helps to improve.
Does an onboarding buddy differ from a mentor?
Well, in a few ways, yes they differ. An onboarding buddy is more of a friendly guide than a mentor. Instead of giving the mentee the tools and information they need to get the job done, an onboarding buddy takes things one step further and provides some much-needed informal and friendly guidance.
An onboarding buddy steps into the shoes of a guide for a new recruit, and they can play a pivotal role in helping an onboarder find their feet. They’re less involved in the skill development of the newbie (that’s more for a mentor), and instead give “human first” guidance and support.
Now let’s get into an 8-step setup manual.
Steps to set up a great onboarding buddy program
We’ve got an 8-step guide ready for you to set up a fantastic onboarding buddy program. Use this as a blueprint to create a solid system:
1. Define the program’s goals
To really get the most out of an onboarding buddy program, define your goals and desired outcomes. Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible. You could even start with questions like:
- What aspects of our company culture are most important for new hires to understand and embrace?
- What specific challenges do new hires typically face during their first few weeks?
- How can onboarding buddies help new hires feel like part of the team from day one?
- How can buddies continue the long-term career development and retention of new hires?
- What are the best goals to maintain or improve the company turnover and attrition rate?
Honest and pertinent questions like these will help you set great objectives and goals. You can even try designing new questions as a final stage after every other step of the onboarding buddy program is set up. Reverse questioning is a valuable tool in continuous improvement, so consider recycling back to this step towards the end of the guide.
2. Find the perfect buddies
So you’ve got your roadmap of the program’s milepoints ready, the next step in setting up the perfect onboarding program is to scout out your champions among your current teams. These champions will act as the buddies for your new recruits, guiding them through the nervous first period at work and helping them feel at home.
Start by asking yourself, “Who embodies the company’s values and culture?” Seek out those key players who are not only knowledgeable and experienced but also approachable and enthusiastic about helping others. Maybe they even have some previous mentoring or teaching experience they can draw upon.
Shortlist all of your candidates who best fit the role of onboarding buddy. Each one will be carrying their own unique strengths and personalities. Later they’ll be matched with their buddies, so consider matching personality types. Does the buddy have direct relatable experience for the new person’s role?
A thoughtful and well-measured approach to shortlisting your buddies will set the tone right, straight from the start. These champions will help new hires navigate their new role, and be there for them should they face any bumps in the road.
3. Equip your buddies
So now you’ve got your potential buddies lined up, it’s time to gear them up with the skills and tools they’ll need to set up the strongest program possible. Laying a solid foundation of support for your buddies means that when the onboarding starts, you can trust them to do what’s needed.
The role of an onboarding buddy is no easy task. Start with a comprehensive training program to cover the essentials. We’re thinking of communication techniques, active listening skills, and some strategies for building employee relations. Make sure they’re trained to understand their expectations and responsibilities too.
They’ll need to be attentive, empathetic, and flexible to the needs of the newbie. A workshop or interactive session can help, and you could even instigate some role-play scenarios with them. Consider what common challenges new hires might face, like getting around the company’s systems and getting to grips with the workplace culture.
Layout some checklists and FAQs for your buddies to lean on. Extra internal communication platforms are great too, like private groups for buddies in your office group chat. Help your helpers, invest time, resources, and trust into your wonderful buddies!
4. “Buddy-up!”
Once your new recruits are in and your buddies are trained, it’s time to make some matches that set the stage for a great onboarding program. Pairing your newbies with suited buddies can make a world of difference to the onboarding experience.
A buddy who works in the same department or has a similar role is, of course, a good match. They’ll be able to give more relevant guidance, and they might have been through similar difficulties if the newbie experiences any. A practical alignment helps get the new recruit up to speed quickly.
Beyond professional alignment, also think about personal interests and personality types. Even similar passions and hobbies can get bonds quickly built, with a more personal connection. You might find you’ve helped the new starter to find a new friend, as well as a kind of mentor. Their sense of belonging will flourish!
Once matches are made, arrange a get-together with the buddy and the newbie. Try a relaxed coffee setting, or something a little more formal if it suits company culture. The first interaction in buddying-up sets the tone for the rest of onboarding. A thoughtful matching process is worth its weight in gold in the long run.
5. Check-in rituals
So now we’ve got pairs set up. The next critical step is keeping those connections alive through check-ins. Consistent touchpoints make your new hires feel extra supported. Be there for them as they navigate through those sometimes rocky first days and weeks in the company.
Weekly or bi-weekly sessions work best, it depends on the needs of the new hire and how complex their new role is. A friendly check-in is a great opportunity for new hires to ask questions or share any concerns, and a great chance for you to ask about their preboarding!
Relaxed vibes are the best for check-ins. You could try running them through video calls from home, where the new recruit might feel they’re in an even more comfortable environment. Try to get an atmosphere of simultaneous feedback set up between you and the new starter.
Try to be open and encourage them to reach out to their buddies outside of scheduled check-ins. Their buddy is there to help them feel more comfortable in their new role. Use the power of check-ins early and frequently to get the most out of your budding newbie!
6. Empower your guides
While your onboarding program is in full swing, now’s a great time to take the emphasis off the new recruit, and double-down your support for their buddies. You’ve already trusted them enough to act as part mentor, part guide, so ensure your buddies know that your support for them goes all the way to the end of the program.
Create a moment of recognition and reward for them, they should know the significance of the work they’re providing and should hear appreciation from you. If there are extra resources for support available for the buddy, use them! A boost in areas like leadership and conflict resolution here works fantastically.
Keep your support groups and communication channels healthy for all buddies, they might want to chat with one another about any difficulties. Let them know they can always reach out to you for help, as a sign of ongoing commitment keeps them effective for the new hires.
Empower your guides as best you can to create a robust support system. Show them the kind of support and guidance you expect them to show to the new staff throughout the onboarding.
7. Feedback and flourish!
Now’s the time to raise your head to the future! Ensure your onboarding buddy program remains effective and improves continuously, through diverse feedback from all parties. Use the information you gather to refine and enhance the program.
Use surveys with specific questions about the onboarding buddy program. This is a great chance to find out how long your onboarding should take and to adjust if needed. One-on-one interviews with the buddy and new recruit work well, giving more nuanced feedback full of missable details. Extra feedback forms written anonymously are a valuable tool at your disposal, too.
Establish the groundwork needed for a system of continuous improvement. A positive feedback loop can be set up this way. You incorporate feedback into improving the system, which helps the buddies perform their role. This buddy, knowing you’re there to help them, performs their function better, which helps new recruits get into their job requirements.
When done right, feedback and flourish is a win-win situation for your onboarding practices. Gather comprehensive insights into your buddy system and enhance the power of the program to its highest level. Your new starters will feel completely at home when they’re alongside their trusted buddy.
8. Celebrate your mentors
At the finish line of your onboarding buddy system, sing the praises of your mentors from the rooftops. Your heroes need honoring in a way they deserve. In this program, your buddies have provided a service that is highly valuable to the employee's life cycle.
You could celebrate them with a formal recognition at a work event, as extravagantly as you like. Publicly acknowledging their efforts highlights the importance of their role and shows they’re cherished in the organization.
On top of more public displays, consider personalized tokens of appreciation, like certificates and plaques, or little customized gifts. A personal touch goes a long way to make them feel special.
Provide opportunities for further professional development if they’re keen. After all, they’ve shown they have what it takes to not only look after a new worker but to represent the company in the exact way you need them to.
Make sure they feel recognized and celebrated. Cultivate your workplace culture of appreciation and encourage buddies to continue their work long into the company’s future. By doing this you’re getting benefits for yourself, your buddies, new hires and the organization as a whole!
What benefits will this program bring to my company?
Improved new hire integration
When aiming for aligning new staff with your workplace culture, an onboarding buddy program brings all the usual benefits of a strong onboarding process, with extra emphasis on helping with a new hire’s questions and supporting them.
A designated point of contact who offers guidance to a new recruit aligns them with a positive company culture. Their initial stresses and worries that often accompany a new job are eased for them.
Faster time to productivity
A strong buddy program accelerates the learning curve for new hires through immediate and specific guidance in their role. Targeted support helps new employees get to grips with their roles and responsibilities more quickly.
By having a go-to person to ask for advice, they don’t feel alone or isolated starting their work period. This faster ramp-up time helps the new hire get comfortable, as well as enhancing the company’s overall productivity.
Higher employee retention
When aiming to improve attrition and turnover rates in the company, a powerful onboarding buddy system massively helps. When new hires feel welcomed and well-supported, they’re much more likely to stay with the company longer.
Feelings of isolation or quickly overwhelmed are problems that an onboarding buddy program helps to resolve. As they become better integrated and connected to their colleagues, a lot of the common issues faced in turnover are solved.
Increased engagement
With a well thought-out onboarding buddy program, new hires and buddies both feel more connected and engaged with the company’s operations and vision. The office grows an atmosphere that encourages active participation and a sense of belonging.
When newcomers are more engaged, they’ll be much more likely to share innovative ideas and fresh perspectives with the group.
Knowledge sharing
New hires in a company often need time to adjust and retain the information needed for specific job functions. A comprehensive buddy system with well-matched pairs helps this transfer of knowledge in a positive way.
By sharing the knowledge and expertise needed to carry out their roles, strong bonds are built between the newcomer and their buddy, and later to the team as a whole.
Development of mentorship skills
You might have members of staff with previous mentor experience, so they might welcome the role of buddy and the extra areas of support the program offers. Buddies gain experience in coaching and are more prepared for leadership roles in the future.
Paired with awards and recognition, they're going to be feeling a real sense of achievement in their work. Keep an eye on the buddies in your program who really stand out. Trust us!
Stronger team cohesion
When at work, a sense of “Us and Them” can be very damaging to team cohesion. Through a solid onboarding buddy system, team bonds are improved through the relationships that flourish from the program.
Focusing on continuous improvement for the program strengthens the sense of unity in the team, and keeps the company steadily moving forward. Make the most of this new sense of unity in your teams.
Reduced onboarding costs
By eliminating some of the formal training procedures that new hires need, the steep costs of hiring can be improved. The time and salary expenditures for a company who is hiring is something that shouldn’t be overlooked.
Keep the onboarding comprehensive, and track exactly where you make savings through your buddy program. A streamlined onboarding program pays dividends in the long run.
Improved company culture
An onboarding buddy program speaks a thousand words to your new hire, and answers a lot of questions they might have about the company culture. They’re going to see you supporting them even more than a traditional mentoring system.
Keep them, as well as your buddies, involved in every step and show your commitment to their development. Your company culture will be glowing with positive and helpful actions shown by everyone involved.
Enhanced branding for the company
Think about how your company is perceived from the outside. Are you sure you’re attracting the highest level of talent as you possibly can?
A standout onboarding buddy program ensures your new hires have nothing but positive things to say about the company. Your company branding in turn becomes more attractive, and the positive cycle continues!
Now’s the time to welcome your new onboarders on a company retreat!
So you want your newcomers to feel like they’re part of the whole team as quickly as possible? We totally understand why. In the early stages of the newcomer’s employee life cycle, why not bring them on a teambuilding trip that really stands out?
We organize work team retreats that work wonders for team building. A twice-annual retreat bonds employees in new ways, and for new members of staff, it’s an amazing opportunity!
We've had the pleasure of organizing over 700+ retreat experiences, including remote teams, for many different companies. Here’s what we offer:
- Stressfria överföringar? Vi har dig! ✅
- Kvalitetssäkrat boende? Kontrollera! ✅
- Engagerande team building aktiviteter? Vår specialitet ✅
- Restaurangbokningar? Det är upp till oss! ✅
- Experthjälp vid retreatplanering? Självklart har vi det här! ✅
- Support på plats, skräddarsydd efter dina behov? Absolut ✅
Inte bara detta utan vi har också tillgång till 160+ platser runt om i Europa, APAC, USA, Latinamerika och nu Afrika , vilket betyder att himlen är din gräns när det gäller att välja rätt plats för dig och ditt team.
Wave goodbye to the feeling of isolation or nervousness that newcomers sometimes feel. Your onboarding programs will have your team bonds stronger than ever, newbies and veterans alike! Leave us to take care of the logistics. Spaces are limited, get in touch now!