A good first impression can only be made once, and setting up a standout recruitment process takes careful planning.
We’re going to outline a 9-step plan that covers the recruitment process from every angle.
Following these steps will get your new hires off on the right foot, so let’s go ahead and lay out our plan for you.
Why is the recruitment process so crucial?
Recruitment is the entire process behind attracting, shortlisting, interviewing, hiring and onboarding new employees. The recruitment process stands as a cornerstone of organizational success, forming the teams that carry companies into the future.
Getting recruiting right isn’t an easy task, and getting the recruitment process wrong can stop a company from finding its ideal candidate. 54% of candidates have abandoned a recruitment process due to poor communication from the recruiter or employer. This number needs reducing.
There’s a lot that goes into recruitment, and it’s important to stay streamlined and cost-effective throughout the process. That being said, care and consideration goes a long way when bringing in new staff.
Today we’ve got the recruitment laid out from beginning to end. From proactive interview setups to best onboarding practices, we’ll ensure you're attracting rising talents into your teams, and most importantly, retaining them through a great recruitment setup.
So let’s tackle recruiting from the ground up, in a way that leaves a lasting impression on your new hires.
Creating a rock-solid recruitment process in 9 steps
We’ve crafted for you a 9-step design for your next recruitment process, and we know it works in bringing in that top talent. Here it is:
1. Spotting talent gaps
In every thriving company, there comes a time when you need fresh talent to drive your growth. Getting the timing right is crucial, so how do you know when the time is right?
First, take a good look at your current team. Are there areas where the workload can be described as ‘overwhelming’? Some members might be juggling too many roles, so it’s on you to honestly review the workload and any feedback you receive.
Then apply this to your future needs. Where is your company heading in the next six months? Extend this to a year, or even 5 years. If you’re expanding into one specific area, like tech, bring tech specifications into the hiring process.
You’ll get great results from engaging with your current team leaders too. Use their valuable insight to better understand the ideal candidate you need. Your best leaders will give you honest input on the special skills and roles they need, which in turn makes them feel more heard in the office when you finally recruit.
Benchmark your talent gaps with your competitors and identify what other industry leaders are doing. Keep an eye on the competition around you and your ear to the ground on emerging trends and industry shifts.
Checklist all of these in your first step to head towards a stellar recruitment process.
2. Craft effective job descriptions
Once talent gaps are spotted, the next step is to craft the most accurate job description you can.
This might seem straightforward, but a well-written job description does a lot more than just list duties. It’s part of what attracts the right candidates while also making sure the role meets the employee’s expectations.
The job title is the first thing the candidate sees, so make it clear and specific. Avoid jargon or overly creative titles, as this might confuse the applicant. Stick with industry-standard titles to give the most accurate reflection of the role and responsibilities. A clear title not only attracts the right person but also improves the post’s searchability on job boards.
Follow it with a compelling summary and the role’s importance for the company. Get the key responsibilities listed and highlight the specific qualifications and skills needed.
Once these are all laid out, try highlighting the company culture. Set the tone right by describing the company environment and any other social activities your company organizes. In the eyes of the candidate, companies that offer perks, like social outings and work retreats abroad, are highly attractive.
Wrap it up with a clear call to action, what materials to submit, and the application deadline. Steer away from any biased language and promote diversity and inclusion.
While simple on the surface, crafting an effective job description that is clear and concise is an art in itself. Follow the above-mentioned steps to make sure you’re attracting top talent. Let those rising stars come to you!
3. Talent hunt
Attracting the right talent is integral to building a successful team. Take your compelling job descriptions and cast your talent net far and wide.
Utilize the company’s external recruitment channels to reach the biggest pool of talent. LinkedIn, Indeed, and Glassdoor are well-known places to start. Social media job listings are becoming more popular too, and partnering with a recruitment agency is a well-tested method.
Further out, university partnerships bring in young and motivated talent. Tap into networking events and conferences for great talent-hunting locations, while strengthening the company’s presence in the industry.
The job post should also be advertised internally, to generate referrals and internal applications. Internal roles can result in a promotion, which can be a powerful new motivator for the employee. Recognizing an employee’s standout performance and acting on that with a promotion shows that you’re attentive and focused on improving company culture.
There’s the option of transferring someone in too, without a promotion, which is a great choice if you have an employee whose skills are better suited to a different role or department. Expand on this even further with referral programs, getting employees to refer colleagues from their own networks. These referrals are known to be effective, as they cut costs while also developing trust and credibility with your teams.
The key to the talent hunt is using all of your options. Combine these strategies to find the perfect fit for your teams. Being proactive in the search finds those one-in-a-million employees who have what it takes to carry the company to new heights.
4. First cut - application screening
So by now, you should be starting to receive a flood of great applications. The next critical step is the first cut, or the “application screening,” meaning you’ve got to sift through resumes and cover letters to narrow down your candidates.
First, keep the filtering focused on hard skills. Make sure the qualification and experience requirements are met and also keep notes on extra or bonus qualifications that could give the company an advantage.
Then move to the softer areas, like making sure the candidate is a cultural fit. Though you might not have the complete picture of the candidate on their resume, try to visualize them. Think of shared interests, values and lessons they’ve learned from previous experiences to get a bigger picture of the person behind the paper.
If you’re expecting a super-sized bunch of applications, an applicant tracking system (ATS) can be used to help streamline the process. They filter resumes out by keywords, qualifications, or any other criteria you set. They also help maintain consistency and fairness in the screening process.
Hitting this checklist in the application screening step is a surefire way to identify the most promising candidates and prepares you for the preboarding process. On top of that, it makes sure the new recruit is aligned with the company’s values and culture.
5. Create standout interviews
So here’s the big kicker for your recruitment process. The magic happens in the interview, so make sure the stage is properly set to bring out the candidate’s potential.
Kick off each interview with a well-defined structure, reflecting your company’s culture and overall vibe. Set the stage for strong introductions and clearly outline the interview’s length and format. Begin with some light, engaging questions to learn more about their past experiences, then get into role-specific scenarios to see how they’d handle real workplace situations.
You want to draw out the candidate's values and strengths. Ask what excites them about your company and whether they’ll thrive in your environment. Do their best results come when working alone, or does a team bring out the best in them?
You want to figure out the best way to help them establish employee connections, so get a feel for their personality and who they’ll vibe best with. Let them ask questions too. They’re most likely full of questions, which will give you the chance to sing the praises of your company. Fill them in on cool projects they’ll be working on and growth opportunities that are available.
Keep it engaging but light. An interview that informs, as well as helps the candidate feel like they’re connecting with you. These are the best aspects of standout interviews, so it’s on you to discover the right balance of personality, skills and company culture.
6. Verifying background checks
To get into the slightly heavier stuff, it’s critical that verification checks are run on each and every candidate.
Start with criminal background checks to keep workplace security top of your list. We have to be clear here, there might be some sensitive information that can be easily forgotten to check over. It’s always better to be safe than sorry.
Then verify their employment claims. This confirms the accuracy of their work experience and tenure with previous employers. Contacting their previous employers speeds up the process and validates job titles and dates of employment.
Further verification should be done by checking their educational achievements, like their degrees or certifications. References from previous employers give better insight into their work ethic and interpersonal skills.
If their role has significant financial responsibilities, you might use a credit history checker for credit scores or outstanding debts. Ensure all background checks comply with your local legal regulations, like the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) in the United States.
Make sure you’re maintaining confidentiality and discretion to respect their privacy laws. That’s quite heavy stuff, so make sure you tick those boxes. Verify each of the candidate’s background claims to keep the process water-tight and mitigate any risks.
7. Seal the deal - the job offer
After all of the screening effort and verifying, the time comes to seal the deal with your candidates.
This step is the clearest chance you have to make the candidate really understand that you value them. Doing it right gets them eager to join, so let’s break down an irresistible offer.
Start with a strong offer that reflects their qualifications and experiences, matching industry standards. Keeping the salary competitive of course shows that you value their expertise and you’re excited about them joining.
Take it a step further and personalize the offer. Reference back to those conversations in the interview that illustrate why you chose them. A personal touch like this makes the offer feel unique and demonstrates a positive intent.
Now fly the flag for any benefits and perks that come with the role. Health insurance, retirement plans, development opportunities, remote options. Many organizations advertise their fantastic company retreats abroad too. There’s so much to choose from, and taking a moment to understand which ones work for your new hire goes a long way.
You might still need to be open to negotiation. Keep communication channels open both ways, as candidates might have questions about the offer. Be flexible and willing to find something mutually beneficial, if needed. Positive negotiations can strengthen their commitment to the company.
Once the deal is sealed, follow up and stay engaged with them, letting them know you’re there to provide any information they need. Staying connected shows your commitment to bringing them into the crew, which results in wins from all angles.
8. Welcome aboard through onboarding
So now you have your superstar newbies, in comes the onboarding process. Each previous step was like the new recruit stepping deeper into a pool. Now it’s time to help them swim.
The onboarding process is an integral way of getting that first impression right. That impression lasts long into their career.
Prepare for their arrival by setting up their workstation, with any of the software, tools, or equipment they’ll need. Don’t forget to create a warm and unique welcome announcement in your virtual channels too.
Make your orientation package as comprehensive as possible. Company swag works well here, along with the required access cards and keys. Personalize it with any office essentials like notepads and mousemats too, to show your caring side!
Assign a mentor or get them to buddy up with a more senior member of staff. Well-designed handbooks are a great thing to supply too. Use personal touches of company photos as well as the more nitty-gritty aspects of the job, like your policies and safety procedures.
The onboarding process should never be overlooked, as a good one gets your new hires to their most productive level as quickly as possible. There’s a reason the biggest companies in the world have such well-thought-out onboarding experiences.
With a thoughtful and welcoming approach, you’re making sure the newbies start off on the right foot and are excited about their journey with the company. Happy days ahead.
9. Nurture and integrate
Congrats, your new hire is onboarded! As they nestle into their onboarding programs, you’re there to show them you’ve got their back every step of the way. Nurturing them and integrating new recruits effectively adds a cherry to the cake.
Keep continuous support and growth in mind. A new recruit is likely to experience newbie nerves for a day, a week, or even a few months into their new role. The end of their onboarding kickstarts their employee life cycle, so getting this step right ensures they’re ready to integrate.
Set up a schedule of check-ins at a time that works best for them. Regular chats help them feel valued and well-connected. Don’t let learning stop after onboarding either. Offer workshops and online courses for them to expand from day 1.
Once the nerves of the first few days have hopefully faded away, when the time is right, set some long-term goals with them. Get into their hopes and aspirations and discuss how you can help achieve them.
Ask for some feedback on their onboarding experience so far and apply their feedback to your future onboarding plans. Taking care of all of these steps creates an atmosphere where your new recruit feels at home, ready to fly high with you on their journey!
Energize your whole team with one of our work retreats!
Here at Surf Office, we know that new recruits take a while to settle in. It takes time to deepen connections with their colleagues, but one of the best ways to do this is by inviting them to a team retreat. A twice-annual retreat attracts top talent, no doubt about it.
We've had the pleasure of organizing over 700+ retreat experiences, including remote teams, for many different companies. Here’s what we offer:
- Stressfrei umsteigen? Wir haben dich! ✅
- Qualitätsgesicherte Unterkünfte? Prüfen! ✅
- Einbinden Teamgeist fördernde Aktivitäten? Unsere Spezialität ✅
- Restaurantreservierungen? Das geht auf uns! ✅
- Fachkundige Unterstützung bei der Planung von Exerzitien? Natürlich haben wir das im Griff! ✅
- Vor-Ort-Support, maßgeschneidert für Ihre Bedürfnisse? Auf jeden Fall ✅
Darüber hinaus haben wir Zugang zu über 160 Standorten in Europa, im Asien-Pazifik-Raum, den USA, Lateinamerika und jetzt auch Afrika . Das heißt, Ihnen sind bei der Auswahl des richtigen Standorts für Sie und Ihr Team keine Grenzen gesetzt.
Our latest retreat in Porto with Process.st, left a lasting impression, and we can organize it for you too. Check out their offsite here!
Bring your office newbies with you to help break the ice in a new environment. Our corporate retreats are certain to help those new-job flutters, as new staff and seniors share unforgettable memories. Spaces are limited, get in touch now.