Talent.io are a developer sourcing business, helping to bring the brightest developers and best businesses in tech together. They have teams based all around Europe, but flew everyone to come and stay with us for two days in Lissabon.
The trip involved plenty of surfing, beach meetings, and trying the great local seafood cuisine. And a lot of hard working too!
Sie veranstalteten außerdem einen eintägigen Workshop mit einem Mentor von IDEO, der mit ihnen über die Gestaltung einer Organisation und die Unterstützung bei der Vorbereitung auf massives Wachstum sprach.
The most exciting part of the retreat for all of us, and the reason talent.io are preparing for massive growth, is because they announced they’d raised their next round of investment at the beach meeting we organised!
It was great to be a part of that and the intense couple of days talent.io had, and we’re excited to see where they take the business moving forward!