Company values are like the DNA of a business. They shape the culture, guide decision-making, and strongly influence both attitude and behavior—inside and outside the company. Imagine them as the invisible glue holding everything together, ensuring that everyone is on the same page and working towards the same goals. They help employees feel connected and motivated, knowing they're part of something bigger.
Darüber hinaus ist es mit Werten einfacher, Gleichgesinnte zu gewinnen , egal ob es sich um neue Mitarbeiter oder Kunden handelt, die mit dem übereinstimmen, wofür das Unternehmen steht. Ohne klare Werte kann sich ein Unternehmen richtungslos und chaotisch anfühlen, aber mit ihnen ist es eine leistungsstarke, gut funktionierende Gruppe, die auf Erfolg zusteuert!
Im heutigen Blog werden wir uns 31 verschiedene zentrale Unternehmenswerte ansehen, die für alle Unternehmen relevant sind, unabhängig von der Branche. Wir haben auch ein paar Vorschläge hinterlassen, wie Sie diese Werte beibehalten können. Es ist großartig, wenn Sie diese Werte als Ihre Werte haben möchten, aber wie können Sie dafür sorgen, dass sie Bestand haben?
Darüber hinaus eignen sich viele dieser Werte auch hervorragend für Remote-Umgebungen , ihr habt uns nicht vergessen!
Lassen Sie uns loslegen!
1. Integrität
Integrität bedeutet, das Richtige zu tun, auch wenn niemand zusieht – beispielsweise nicht das letzte Stück Pizza zu nehmen, wenn alle anderen schon weg sind. Es geht darum, bei all Ihren Handlungen und Entscheidungen ehrlich und transparent zu sein. Wenn ein Unternehmen mit Integrität handelt, ist es wie ein vertrauenswürdiger Freund, der niemals Ihre Geheimnisse verrät. Dies schafft Vertrauen bei Mitarbeitern, Kunden und Partnern. Die Leute wissen, dass sie sich auf das Unternehmen verlassen können, was zu einem positiven Ruf und langfristigem Erfolg führt.
Best Practices zur Erhaltung dieses Unternehmenswertes
- Legen Sie klare ethische Richtlinien fest.
- Fördern Sie offene Kommunikation und Whistleblowing.
- Bieten Sie regelmäßige Ethikschulungen an.
- Mit gutem Beispiel vorangehen.
- Recognize and reward ethical behavior.
2. Innovation
Having innovation as a value means coming up with new ideas and ways to improve what you do. It’s about being creative and always looking for better solutions.
Staying innovative keeps a company competitive and adaptable and helps you find better ways to serve your customers and grow your business.
Best Practices zur Erhaltung dieses Unternehmenswertes
- Encourage curiosity and experimentation.
- Invest in research and development.
- Encourage collaboration and brainstorming.
- Provide resources for continuous learning.
- Celebrate and reward new ideas.
3. Customer focus
Customer focus means putting your customers at the heart of everything you do. It’s about really understanding their needs and going the extra mile to make them happy. When a company prioritizes its customers, it builds loyalty and satisfaction, leading to repeat business and a strong reputation.
Best Practices zur Erhaltung dieses Unternehmenswertes
- Regularly gather and act on customer feedback.
- Train employees in excellent customer service.
- Personalize interactions and solutions.
- Ensure consistent, high-quality service.
- Deeply understand customer needs and preferences.
4. Excellence
Excellence as a company value is about striving to be the best in everything you do. It means consistently delivering high-quality work and seeking continuous improvement.
Pursuing excellence helps a company maintain a strong reputation, attract top talent, and exceed customer expectations. It drives success and growth by ensuring high standards are always met.
Best Practices zur Erhaltung dieses Unternehmenswertes
- Set clear performance standards and goals.
- Encourage continuous learning and skill development.
- Provide regular feedback and performance reviews.
- Recognize and reward outstanding achievements.
- Make a culture of pride in quality work.
5. Accountability
Accountability means taking responsibility for your actions and outcomes. It’s about being reliable and owning your work, both successes and mistakes.
When everyone is accountable, it builds trust and respect within the team. It ensures that tasks are completed efficiently and goals are met, leading to a more productive and cohesive work environment.
Best Practices zur Erhaltung dieses Unternehmenswertes
- Set clear roles and responsibilities.
- Create a culture of transparency and honesty.
- Implement regular check-ins and progress reviews.
- Encourage open communication about challenges and solutions.
- Recognize and address accountability issues promptly.
6. Teamwork
Teamwork is about working together effectively to achieve common goals. Good teamwork leads to better problem-solving, increased creativity, and a more enjoyable work environment. It ensures that the team can achieve more together than they could individually.
Best Practices zur Erhaltung dieses Unternehmenswertes
- Focus on building an inclusive and collaborative culture.
- Encourage open and honest communication.
- Provide opportunities for team-building activities.
- Recognize and celebrate team achievements.
- Promote a supportive environment where everyone’s contributions are valued.
7. Respect
Respect means valuing everyone’s unique qualities, treating each other kindly, and recognizing everyone's worth. When respect is at the heart of a workplace, it becomes a positive and enjoyable place to be. It reduces conflicts, making everyone feel secure and well respected
Best Practices zur Erhaltung dieses Unternehmenswertes
- Embrace diversity and inclusion.
- Listen actively and show empathy.
- Celebrate everyone’s contributions.
8. Transparency
Transparency is core to being open and honest with how you make decisions, run things, and set policies. It means communicating clearly and sharing information freely. When we're transparent, you build trust and keep everyone in the loop. This creates a culture of openness and mutual respect, making everyone feel included and valued.
Best Practices zur Erhaltung dieses Unternehmenswertes
- Regularly share company goals and updates.
- Explain the reasons behind decisions.
- Encourage feedback and questions.
9. Sustainability
Sustainability means making choices that are good for the environment and society in the long run. It’s about adopting practices that protect your planet and support future generations. Sustainable practices help preserve resources, reduce environmental impact, and boost the company’s reputation. They make a positive difference in the world and ensure long-term success.
Best Practices zur Erhaltung dieses Unternehmenswertes
- Implement eco-friendly policies.
- Reduce waste and promote recycling.
- Invest in renewable energy sources.
10. Diversity and Inclusion
Diversity and inclusion are all about welcoming and valuing everyone’s unique qualities. It’s about creating a place where everyone feels respected and appreciated for who they are. When a company embraces diversity and inclusion, it sparks creativity, broadens perspectives, and builds a stronger, more innovative team.
Best Practices zur Erhaltung dieses Unternehmenswertes
- Promote diverse hiring practices.
- Encourage open dialogue and understanding of different viewpoints.
- Offer training on diversity and inclusion.
- Celebrate cultural differences and unique backgrounds.
11. Adaptability
Adaptability means being ready to roll with the punches and adjust to new situations quickly. It’s about being flexible and open to change, always ready to tackle new challenges. Companies that embrace adaptability can navigate market shifts, innovate faster, and stay ahead of the competition.
Best Practices zur Erhaltung dieses Unternehmenswertes
- Encourage a growth mindset and continuous learning.
- Manage a culture that welcomes change and innovation.
- Provide training and resources for developing new skills.
- Recognize and reward flexible thinking and problem-solving.
12. Leadership
Leadership is about guiding and inspiring others to reach common goals. Good leaders set a clear vision, motivate their team, and make smart decisions. Adopting this as a core company value can have an overall positive effect in many areas of your business.
Best Practices zur Erhaltung dieses Unternehmenswertes
- Lead by example and show integrity.
- Communicate a clear and compelling vision.
- Empower and support team members.
- Provide regular feedback and opportunities for growth.
- Recognize and celebrate achievements.
Why not build on the leadership core value at a company retreat?!
Having leadership as a company value is important but also quite tricky at times, especially keeping up with all of the best practices of maintaining it! So, why not consider a company retreat to tick all of those maintenance boxes?
Company retreats are the perfect opportunity to show your leadership skills, whilst building your team’s skills, too. Bonding over team-building activities, eating local foods in a new country or even just relaxing on the beach together- these are all perfect chances to show what your company is all about!
Like this idea but not sure how to put it all together? No problem, this is where Surf Office comes in.
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13. Collaboration
Collaboration focuses on working together towards a common goal. It helps create unity and encourages sharing ideas and skills, meaning when a team collaborates effectively, they can achieve much more than individuals working separately. It’s crucial because it leads to better problem-solving, sparks innovation, and creates a stronger, more cohesive team. Collaboration makes sure everyone is on the same page and can leverage each other’s strengths.
Best Practices zur Erhaltung dieses Unternehmenswertes
- Encourage open communication
- Build a culture of trust
- Promote teamwork through regular group activities
- Recognize and reward collaborative efforts
14. Passion
Passion is a deep enthusiasm and dedication to one’s work. It drives people to excel and pursue excellence in their tasks. Passionate employees are more motivated and engaged, which fuels creativity, boosts productivity, and inspires others. When people are passionate about their work, they go above and beyond, leading to higher-quality results and a more vibrant workplace.
Best Practices zur Erhaltung dieses Unternehmenswertes
- Align roles with personal interests
- Provide opportunities for professional growth
- Celebrate successes and milestones
- Create a positive and inspiring work environment
15. Commitment
Commitment means being dedicated to your work and the organizational culture, with a sense of loyalty and a promise to contribute to the company’s success. Committed employees are reliable and consistent in their efforts, which is vital for stability and continuity. This sense of responsibility helps build a dependable workforce, with employees more likely to stay with the company long-term.
Best Practices zur Erhaltung dieses Unternehmenswertes
- Set clear expectations and goals
- Provide regular feedback and support
- Recognize and reward loyalty and hard work
- Create a supportive and inclusive culture
16. Quality
Quality means everyone needs to be delivering top-notch work that meets or even surpasses expectations. It's making sure every product or service is reliable, durable, and meets customer needs. Focusing on quality leads to happier customers, a solid reputation, and greater trust. When you prioritize quality, it drives continuous improvement and creates a culture of excellence.
Best Practices zur Erhaltung dieses Unternehmenswertes
- Set clear quality standards and guidelines
- Conduct regular reviews and audits
- Invest in training and development
- Encourage feedback and continuous improvement
17. Efficiency
Efficiency means getting the best results with the least amount of wasted effort or expense. It's about optimizing processes and using resources wisely to achieve maximum productivity in the shortest time. Being efficient boosts productivity, cuts costs, and improves overall performance. An efficient workplace can adapt quickly to changes and stay competitive.
Best Practices zur Erhaltung dieses Unternehmenswertes
- Streamline processes and cut out unnecessary steps
- Use technology and automation
- Monitor and analyze performance metrics
- Foster a team culture of time management and prioritization
18. Empowerment
Empowerment is about giving employees the authority, tools, and confidence to make decisions and take action. It creates a sense of ownership and responsibility, leading to higher engagement and job satisfaction. Empowered employees are more innovative, have better morale, and perform better overall. When people feel empowered, they give their best and help drive the company forward.
Best Practices zur Erhaltung dieses Unternehmenswertes
- Provide clear goals and expectations
- Offer training and development opportunities
- Encourage autonomy and decision-making
- Recognize and reward initiative and achievements
19. Social responsibility
Social responsibility is about doing your part to make the world a better place. It means making choices that benefit the community and the environment, rather than just focusing on profits. Companies that take social responsibility seriously build a positive reputation, gain loyal customers, and make a real difference.
Best Practices zur Erhaltung dieses Unternehmenswertes
- Implement eco-friendly practices
- Support community initiatives
- Promote fair labor practices
- Engage in transparent and ethical business practices
20. Continuous improvement
Continuous improvement means always looking for ways to get better. It’s the drive to enhance products, services, and processes by constantly seeking improvements. This approach helps companies stay competitive, adapt to changes, and meet the needs of customers. Continuous improvement leads to innovation, efficiency, and overall better performance.
Best Practices zur Erhaltung dieses Unternehmenswertes
- Encourage a culture of feedback and learning
- Set measurable goals and track progress
- Invest in employee training and development
- Regularly review and refine processes
21. Trust
Trust is the foundation of any successful relationship. It means being reliable and transparent in all interactions. Trust builds loyalty, encourages open communication, and creates strong, lasting relationships. When companies prioritize trust, they create a positive work environment and enjoy greater long-term success.
Best Practices zur Erhaltung dieses Unternehmenswertes
- Communicate openly and honestly
- Deliver on promises and commitments
- Be transparent in operations and decision-making
- Recognize and address issues promptly
22. Professionalism
Professionalism is all about being the rock at work. It means showing up on time, being respectful, and always doing your best. When you embrace professionalism, you build trust with your clients and team members, making the workplace awesome to be in. Think of it as being the reliable friend everyone can count on, no matter what.
Best Practices zur Erhaltung dieses Unternehmenswertes
- Provide regular training on industry standards and ethical practices.
- Implement a clear code of conduct and hold everyone accountable to it.
- Recognize and reward employees who consistently demonstrate professional behavior.
23. Learning and development
Learning and development are like giving your brains a constant workout. It's about always looking for ways to grow and get better at what you do. When you focus on learning, you keep things fresh and exciting. Plus, it helps us stay ahead of the game and keeps us feeling fulfilled.
Best Practices zur Erhaltung dieses Unternehmenswertes
- Offer continuous education programs, workshops, and seminars.
- Encourage mentorship and coaching relationships within the company.
- Allocate resources for professional development, such as courses and certifications.
24. Safety
Safety is about making sure everyone goes home in one piece at the end of the day. It’s about creating a workspace where you don’t have to worry about accidents and can focus on doing great work. When safety is prioritized, you show that you care about everyone under your roof. Imagine it as having a big, invisible safety net that keeps us all secure.
Best Practices zur Erhaltung dieses Unternehmenswertes
- Conduct regular safety audits and risk assessments.
- Provide comprehensive safety training and emergency preparedness drills.
- Promote a culture where employees feel comfortable reporting safety concerns.
25. Fairness
Fairness focuses on playing fair and treating everyone equally. It's like being the referee in a game, making sure everyone gets a fair shot and no one is left out. When you value fairness, you create a workplace where everyone feels respected and valued. Imagine it as making sure everyone gets a slice of the pizza, not just the fastest ones!
Best Practices zur Erhaltung dieses Unternehmenswertes
- Implement clear and transparent policies that ensure everyone is treated equally.
- Encourage open communication and make sure everyone's voice is heard.
- Celebrate and recognize acts of fairness in the workplace.
26. Humility
Humility is about staying grounded and being open to learning from others. It's like being the wise sage who knows there's always more to learn and isn’t afraid to admit when they need help. Valuing humility helps us build stronger relationships and creates a team spirit. Think of it as keeping your feet on the ground while reaching for the stars.
Best Practices zur Erhaltung dieses Unternehmenswertes
- Promote a culture where asking for help and admitting mistakes is seen as a strength.
- Encourage team members to share their knowledge and learn from each other.
- Recognize and appreciate those who show humility in their actions.
27. Courage
Courage is all about stepping up and facing challenges head-on. It’s like being the brave hero in a story, ready to tackle any obstacle that comes your way. When you embrace courage, you create an environment where innovation and bold ideas thrive. Imagine it as having the guts to try something new, even if it’s a little scary.
Best Practices zur Erhaltung dieses Unternehmenswertes
- Create an environment where taking risks and trying new things is encouraged.
- Provide support for employees to step out of their comfort zones.
- Celebrate courageous actions and innovative ideas, even if they don’t always succeed.
28. Pioneering spirit
Pioneering spirit is about being adventurous and always seeking new frontiers. It’s like being an explorer, ready to discover new ideas and ways of doing things. When you value a pioneering spirit, you encourage innovation and creativity. Think of it as having the courage to blaze new trails and try out the uncharted paths in your work.
Best Practices zur Erhaltung dieses Unternehmenswertes
- Encourage innovation and reward creative ideas.
- Provide opportunities for employees to experiment and take calculated risks.
- Celebrate successes and learn from failures as part of the journey.
29. Global perspective
Having a global perspective means looking at the big picture and understanding different cultures and viewpoints. It’s like having a world map in your mind, helping you navigate and appreciate the diversity around us. Valuing a global perspective makes your company more inclusive and adaptable. Imagine it as being a global citizen who’s always open to new experiences and ideas.
Best Practices zur Erhaltung dieses Unternehmenswertes
- Promote cultural exchange and diversity in the workplace.
- Encourage employees to learn new languages and understand global markets.
- Encourage partnerships and collaborations with international organizations
30. Ownership
Ownership means creating a culture where everyone feels responsible for the company's success. It's about encouraging employees to act like owners, making decisions with the company's best interests at heart, and going the extra mile to ensure quality and efficiency. When ownership is a core value, it instills pride and accountability throughout the organization. This drives innovation, as employees are motivated to solve problems and take initiative.
Best Practices zur Erhaltung dieses Unternehmenswertes
- Empower and trust employees
- Mit gutem Beispiel vorangehen
- Provide support and resources
31. ‘Work-Life’ balance
Work-life balance is about finding harmony between your professional and personal life. It’s like juggling, but with a smile, making sure you have time for work, family, and fun. When you value work-life balance, you create a supportive and healthy work environment. Imagine it as having the perfect recipe for a fulfilling and happy life, both in and out of the office.
Best Practices zur Erhaltung dieses Unternehmenswertes
- Offer flexible work hours and remote working options.
- Encourage employees to take regular breaks and vacations.
- Promote wellness programs and activities that support mental and physical health.