Team Building Relay Race

31 Ideen und Spiele für ein Firmenpicknick zum Start in den Sommer

We have put together the best game ideas for your picnic, as well as some ideas on how you can make your company picnic the one that everyone looks forward to.

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Pick The Plot
Team building games

Pick The Plot

Dies ist eine einfache Aktivität, die nicht viel erfordert, sodass sie eine nette Ergänzung für jedes Teamevent darstellt. Beginnen Sie mit einem Moderator, der die Handlung eines Films erzählt. Die Spieler, die in Teams eingeteilt sind, hören zu und versuchen dann zu erraten, welcher Film beschrieben wird. Versuchen Sie einfach, einen Film auszuwählen, der für die Arbeit geeignet ist!

Classification Exercise
Team building games

Classification Exercise

Dazu müssen Sie etwa 20 Dinge aus dem Büro zusammensuchen. Nehmen Sie verschiedene Dinge wie Wasserflaschen, Kaffeefilter, Büroklammern usw. Lassen Sie Ihr Team dann gemeinsame Nenner finden und die Gegenstände nach diesen Eigenschaften gruppieren. Ermutigen Sie sie, sich 4 oder 5 verschiedene Gruppierungen auszudenken, jede mit ein paar Gegenständen darin. Dies fördert das kreative Denken über Alltagsgegenstände, was eine gute Möglichkeit ist, die Kreativität anzuregen. Kommunikation ist auch wichtig, um die Leute dazu zu bringen, der Klassifizierung zuzustimmen.

Desert Island Exercise
Team building games

Desert Island Exercise

Für einen schnellen und einfachen Eisbrecher, für den Sie kein Material benötigen, versuchen Sie es mit dieser einfachen Frage-und-Antwort-Übung. Fragen Sie einfach, was jeder mitnehmen würde, wenn er auf einer einsamen Insel gestrandet wäre. Gehen Sie dann durch den Raum und lassen Sie jeden sich vorstellen und den einen Gegenstand nennen, den er wählen würde. Sie sollten einen Gegenstand auswählen und dann kurz erklären, warum sie ihn gewählt haben.

Role Model Analysis
Goal setting activities

Role Model Analysis

Ready to take a page from the playbook of the greats? Enter the Role Model Analysis, where participants embark on a journey of inspiration and practical insights. The game plan? Identify role models or mentors who've aced goals similar to the ones you're chasing. This activity allows for studying the traits and strategies of those who've been there, done that, and applying those lessons to your own goal-setting approach. Top Tip for Facilitator: Encourage diversity in role models. Remind participants that role models can come from various fields and backgrounds. The key is to draw inspiration from a range of sources. As the facilitator, guide them to explore traits and strategies that resonate with their unique journey, creating a customized roadmap to success.

Goal setting activities


Not something that can be played as a group, but something that can really help with setting goals. Habitica is an online platform and mobile app that gamifies goal-setting and task management. It transforms your goals and habits into a role-playing game where you create a character, set goals, and earn rewards for completing tasks. In this game, you begin by crafting a character to embody you. Input your tasks, habits, and daily goals, each linked to a specific achievement. Successfully completing these earns in-game rewards, like experience points and virtual currency, allowing your character to level up, unlock new features, and face challenges. Neglecting tasks or failing incurs consequences for your in-game character. This game shows the person first-hand what it’s like to set a clear goal and how it feels to reap the rewards. It also shows the person that not meeting your goal will result in consequences. In theory, this can be then applied in real-life work! Top Tip: Set this as homework for all the group!

Mock TED Talk
Goal setting activities

Mock TED Talk

Imagine standing on that iconic red circle, sharing your most audacious goal with the world as if you've already aced it. In this activity, participants channel their inner TED speaker and deliver a brief presentation that could rival the real deal. Public speaking about your goals isn't just about eloquence; it's about fostering confidence, celebrating achievement, and nurturing a positive mindset. Get ready to captivate your audience – even if it's just your team – and let your goals take center stage in the spotlight! Top Tip for Facilitator: Remind the employees it's about sharing dreams, victories, and the occasional stumble. As the facilitator, be the hype person, the supportive audience member, and the constructive critic all rolled into one. Let the stage be a place where authenticity shines, and goals take center stage with a side of passion!