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Vocabulary chain
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Vocabulary chain

For this game, the only thing needed is an extensive vocabulary and a desire to have fun. It can also be a really fun way to learn new things and impress your colleagues. You never know who is going to introduce you to an amazing new word! This is also a virtual-team friendly activity. You might add this game to other virtual team-building activities.

Work haiku
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Work haiku

Haiku is a type of short form poetry that originated in Japan. Traditional Japanese haiku consist of three phrases composed of 17 phonetic units in a 5, 7, 5 pattern. For this exercise, have everyone come up with their own work-related haiku. They can be funny, observational, or even emotional - but they should all fit the haiku pattern. This is especially important because without materials like pen or paper, you want the poems to be short and easy to memorize and recite. Have everyone tell their poem to the group.This is another activity that is fun as an icebreaker activity, but can also be turned into a competition. You can always give a prize to the most creative entry. Another bonus for this activity is that it can be done in a virtual environment - for example, everyone can play on Zoom.

Country ambassadors
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Country ambassadors

Es handelt sich um ein lebhaftes Spiel, das lediglich einige Geographiekenntnisse erfordert. Weisen Sie jedem Spieler ein Land zu. Sie können dies tun, indem Sie einen zufälligen Ländergenerator verwenden oder einfach eine zufällige Auswahl treffen. Sobald die Länder zugewiesen sind, sollte jede Person abwechselnd ihr Land beschreiben, ohne es namentlich zu nennen. Ziel ist es, dass alle verbleibenden Spieler ihr Land erraten können. Wenn Sie das Spiel wettbewerbsfähig machen möchten, führen Sie eine laufende Liste aller Spieler und wie viele Länder sie erraten haben. Wer am meisten richtig liegt, gewinnt.

Business pitch
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Business pitch

If you’re trying to amp up the entrepreneurial spirit of your department, this game is perfect. It’s a great tie-in to more professional elements, so team leaders can evaluate business acumen, and public speaking skills.

My superhero story
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My superhero story

This game is about as simple as it gets, but provides a lot of opportunity for getting to know your team better. The more creativity people use, the better, and you never know what you might learn.

Killer wink
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Killer wink

Bring a little mystery into your next event with this game. This one can add some comedy, but also become a sort of brain-teaser. It's fun for teams who don’t know each other that well (yet) since you don’t need to really know anything about each other to play. Obviously, as the name suggests, gauge your audience before playing - a game with pretend murder in it might not appeal to all audiences.

Sound effects
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Sound effects

This game seems a little childish at first, but it usually leads to a ton of laughs. It’s the perfect game for leaving egos at the door - chances are everyone will feel equally silly. Why not let your walls down and just goof off for a while? You’re sure to feel closer to your coworkers afterward.

Heads up seven up
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Heads up seven up

This is another childhood favorite for many, and bringing it into your workplace is sure to create a little nostalgia. It's a simple and fun way to get everyone more comfortable working together.

ABC game
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ABC game

Did you ever play this game on roadtrips as a kid? Capture some of that magic by playing it with your work pals. You can actually play this game anywhere, which makes it perfect for an office or conference room event.

Late for work
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Late for work

This game is another version of story-telling, but with a few twists that make it a little more involved. This game is really more of an improv exercise.

Group story-telling
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Group story-telling

This game is great for better understanding how your coworkers' minds work. What better way to bond than to create something together - in this case, a story. You can do this with any number in your group. Plus, you can play this game as many times as you want, and the outcome will be different each time.

Das GIF-Spiel
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Das GIF-Spiel

Starten Sie das Spiel, indem Sie Ihrem Team die Aufforderung stellen. Ihre Mitarbeiter müssen dann auf die Aufforderung reagieren, indem sie ein GIF in Ihrem ausgewählten Kollaborationstool wie Slack posten. Wer das beste GIF gepostet hat, darf dann eine weitere Aufforderungsfrage/-aussage stellen.

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