Welcher alberne Charakter (oder Kreatur) bist du am ähnlichsten? Lassen Sie alle durch den Raum gehen und bitten Sie sie zusätzlich zu den Grundlagen wie Name und Rolle, mitzuteilen, welche Zeichentrickfigur sie spielen würden und warum. Ein robuster Naturliebhaber könnte beispielsweise sagen, er sei wie Sven aus dem Disney-Klassiker „Die Eiskönigin“, während eine besonders fleißige junge Frau sagen könnte, sie sei wie Lisa Simpson aus der alten Simpsons-Serie.
This is a quick and easy icebreaker that doesn’t require any equipment and is guaranteed to produce a laugh. The game inspires your team to get creative and think on their feet in a fun environment. The aim of the game is to collaborate on an interesting and unpredictable story by allowing each player to contribute one sentence at a time.
Got You! is a rapid icebreaker designed to lighten the mood for the day ahead. The idea behind the game is simple, catch the other person finger while avoiding the other person from catching yours.
You may have played this party game as a child, but it also works brilliantly for breaking the ice at work-related team events. It’s particularly convenient because it doesn’t require any equipment, all you need is a group of people and an open area to move around in. Wink murder can be played with 10-30 people, any more and the game can take too long, any less and the game becomes too easy.
Diese Aktivität eignet sich hervorragend für größere Gruppen sowie für Teams, die sich nicht sehr gut kennen. Jeder Teilnehmer nennt seinen Namen und teilt dann mit, was seine „Superkraft“ ist. Dabei kann es sich um eine besondere Fähigkeit, eine merkwürdige Tatsache aus ihrem Leben, wertvolles Wissen, das sie teilen können, usw. handeln. Sie können sich dafür entscheiden, es professioneller zu gestalten oder die Dinge persönlicher zu gestalten, um sich besser kennenzulernen.
You can’t go wrong with workplace trivia, because it’s a great way to reiterate facts while having some fun. You can even bring out peoples’ competitive side which can be extra entertaining. Workplace trivia is especially helpful for new team members or as part of an onboarding process. Prior to your training session, come up with a list of questions to use in a trivia game. They should relate to the training material, your company, or your industry. You can also use trivia games in virtual training sessions.
This icebreaker is a unique way to learn everyone’s different perceptions and what they bring to the table. Start by drawing a large pirate ship on a chalk or white board. Then go around the room and have each person describe who they would be on the ship, and why. For example, someone might say they would be the cook, because they love to provide for others. Someone else might say they would be the first mate, because they like to be in charge without being an authority figure. This is a fun way to learn about how people see themselves, which can help you to work with them better in the future.
You can kick off a training session and spur engagement with this simple exercise. You’ll need a blank wall and a few colored post-it notes. Break the white board or chalkboard into 4 quadrants and label them “the training”, “the trainer”, “from myself”, and “from attendees”. Each participant should take a turn filling out 4 post-its that begin “I expect”. For example, “I expect from the training to learn how to better resolve customer conflicts.” Everyone should place their sticky notes in the appropriate quadrant. Then the moderator should go through and read them, highlighting which ones are repeated often.
An effective icebreaker for training sessions helps to energize everyone present while relating to the material. Start by narrowing down a topic that everyone should understand by the end of training. Then go around the room and have everyone introduce themselves, and give one fact that relates to the topic. For example, if the topic is employee annual reviews, people could give a fact like “our review cycle begins in August”, or “the average for annual reviews ‘meets expectations’”. If you want to add another layer of complexity, you can have the group vote on if the statement is truly a fact (rather than more of an opinion). So if someone says “Employees don’t like annual reviews”, then the group would call out that it’s actually more of a personal statement and not a fact.
Air balloons is an energetic team-building game that encourages teamwork. It’s a fantastic way to build energy in the room and loosen everybody up for the coming activities.To play air balloons, you’ll need at least one balloon for each team, a paper or plastic fan or a sheet that’s capable of wafting air and a stopwatch. This game is best played with groups of at least 8+ players.Once the groups have been organised and handed the necessary materials, one person from each group must be designated as the timekeeper and is handed the stopwatch. When the timer starts, the timekeeper from each team tosses their balloon into the air and it’s now the task of the other players to keep their balloon from touching the floor for as long as possible.But there’s a catch. Players are NOT allowed to touch the ball at any time. Players can only use air to keep the ball afloat. This means they can either waft the balloon or blow at it with their mouths. The moment a team’s balloon touches the floor, the timekeeper stops the watch and makes a note of the time. The team that managed to keep the balloon in the air for the longest is the winner.
Answering a single question about yourself is great. But what if you could spend 5 entire minutes telling the team about something that makes you unique? Or a topic you’re passionate about?Wouldn’t that be a more effective way to help people get to know you?Of course it would! That’s why some managers and CEOs ask their remote employees to prepare brief presentations to share with everyone. An empowering trust-building activity, it gives team members a voice – a podium from which to tell their colleagues about who they are and what they enjoy doing outside work.This brings people together for two main reasons. Firstly, the more you know about someone, the more you care about them! And secondly, the more you open up to others, the more comfortable you feel around them.The end result is a stronger and more trusting relationship.
Dies ist ein garantiert unterhaltsames Spiel, das nach der Arbeit bei einem Retreat oder bei einem Wochenendausflug mit Ihrem Team gespielt werden kann. Es erfordert lediglich das Spiel Jenga und ausreichend Sitz- und Spielfläche.
Ein einfaches und stressarmes Eisbrecher-Spiel, das den Stein ins Rollen bringt, kann auf großen und kleinen Firmen-Retreats durchgeführt werden.
Zwanzig Fragen, ein klassisches Kennenlernspiel, macht Spaß und ist einfach zu spielen. Es nimmt nur wenig Platz ein und eignet sich hervorragend für Aktivitäten nach der Arbeit oder als Barspiel auf einem Firmen-Retreat.
Dieses einfache Spiel benötigt wenig Material und ist ein perfekter Eisbrecher – ein perfektes persönliches Spiel für Firmen-Retreats und Einführungs-Events.
Die Spielregeln sind einfach. Ihr Team muss sich vorstellen, dass es eine Fähre zu einer einsamen Insel nimmt und nur drei Gegenstände mitnehmen darf. Präsentieren Sie Ihrem Team Ihre vorbereitete Liste mit acht Gegenständen und bitten Sie Ihre Mitarbeiter, drei Gegenstände auszuwählen, die sie mitnehmen würden. Gehen Sie dann herum und fragen Sie, was jeder gewählt hat und warum.